Nikmati Kehidupan Yang Sihat dengan BARDOX

Cuba perhatikan penampilan anda di cermin, mahupun apabila sedang bersosial atau kecerdasan minda ketika mengikuti pelajaran mahupun bekerja.  Adakah anda sering rasa rendah diri kerana mempunyai kulit tidak sekata dan bermasalah? Atau teman-teman akan terasa tidak selesa berbual dengan anda kerana nafas berbau?  Mahupun, anda menghabiskan masa yang lama di tandas akibat masalah sembelit? Atau, sukar tidur sehingga mengganggu rutin pagi anda dengan kelesuan?

Semua masalah tersenarai bukanlah masalah baharu malahan kini ia menjadi suatu kebiasaan kepada orang ramai.

BARDOX memegang ungkapan penarik ‘kecantikan tanpa batas’ ialah sebuah jenama yang muncul di pasaran pada tahun 2018 sebagai pengeluar produk pemakanan kesihatan dan kecantikan yang boleh mengungguli jenama tempatan, setanding dengan jenama terbaik di pasaran.  Produk BARDOX hanya menggunakan bahan semula jadi dan selamat serta pembuatannya berdasarkan garis panduan yang ketat demi menjadikannya pilihan yang boleh dipercayai.

Produk BARDOX mengekalkan objektif mereka untuk menjadi mata arah yang sentiasa segar dengan barisan produk nutrisi. Bukan sekadar janji kosong tetapi melalui pakar-pakar yang bekerja keras di sebalik setiap produknya.  Visi BARDOX adalah untuk menyebarkan definisi ‘kecantikan tanpa batas’ dengan mengekalkan kualiti produk kesihatan dan kecantikan yang berupaya mempertingkatkan keyakinan diri setiap penggunanya melalui kesihatan optimum dan kecantikan dalaman.

Hanya pengambilan sama ada satu atau kedua-duanya sekali untuk membantu menyelesaikan segala kemelut yang melanda anda.  Kini, tidak perlu lagi rasa malu dan kurang keyakinan diri untuk berhadapan dengan orang, dan tidak lagi perlu risau dengan masalah berat dan lemak berlebihan.



BARDOX sentiasa mahu memberikan yang terbaik buat para penggunanya serta masyarakat umumnya.  Kini muncul pula BARDOX 2.0 dengan kebaikan 5 dalam 1 iaitu:-

  • Detoksifikasi
  • Pengganti sajian,
  • Kecantikan
  • Pelansingan badan
  • Penjagaan kesihatan

BARDOX NUTRI DETOX BAR adalah sebuah bar nutrien yang dianggap sebagai petua kecantikan yang paling mudah.  Ia merupakan salah satu produk pengganti sajian di Malaysia yang membantu menyelesaikan masalah toksin dan obesiti, sambil membantu individu untuk menuntut semula kesihatan dan keyakinan diri.



Minuman BARDOX BOOMBA ENZIM pula mempunyai fungsi untuk menyahnyamarkan dan melindungi hati.  Ia diperbuat daripada ekstrak buah-buahan berkhasiat dan herba tradisional.

Minuman enzim ini juga dapat membantu anda dan menyelesaikan masalah dalam beberapa aspek tambahan seperti yang berikut:-

  • menyuraikan kandungan makanan yang dimakan seperti karbohidrat, protein dan lemak kepada bahan yang mudah diserap untuk penghadaman
  • menggalakkan pemulihan pesat kekuatan fizikal
  • menyelesaikan masalah obesiti
  • menambah nutrien yang diperlukan oleh badan untuk kekal sihat

Selepas minum, ia akan menggalakkan metabolisme, dan membantu anda untuk menurunkan berat badan tanpa halangan lemak. Malah, disebabkan sifat minuman enzim ini yang boleh menjana semula sel-sel sihat dalam badan, anda juga akan kelihatan lebih awet muda!


Apabila sudah mengetahui dengan jelas mengenai kandungan dan ciri-ciri baik produk kesihatan BARDOX, pastinya anda mahu ia membawa impak yang positif terhadap gaya kehidupan anda pula.  Terutama apabila ia dapat menjimatkan masa, tenaga, usaha namun tetapi boleh mencapai diet dan kesihatan yang anda inginkan.  Betul?

NUTRI DETOX BAR dan minuman BOOMBA ENZIM ini sangat mudah untuk diambil malahan selamat dimakan kedua-duanya.

Anda tidak perlu risau kerana produk-produk BARDOX bukan julap yang memaksa proses pembuangan air besar.  Ia mengandungi pelbagai bahan-bahan semula jadi seperti buah kranberi, kurma merah, mil oat dan ia tidak manis.  Sesuai untuk semua peringkat usia dan sangat mudah untuk menikmatinya.

Tiada masa untuk sarapan yang berkhasiat? Anda boleh mulakan hari dengan NUTRI DETOX BAR kerana ia enak dan boleh dimakan dengan minuman pagi kegemaran anda.  Masa dan wang dapat dijimatkan kerana satu pek kecil sahaja sudah cukup untuk membuat anda aktif sepanjang hari.

BOOMBA ENZIM pula boleh diambil selepas makan mahupun sebelum tidur.  Pengambilan secara rutin akan membantu untuk kecergasan serta mengelakkan kelesuan biarpun tidak cukup tidur pada waktu malam.  Kesihatan akan menjadikan minda lebih cerdas, kerja dan tugasan harian boleh dilunaskan dengan baik.




Kedua-dua produk berkhasiat ini juga berupaya mempertingkatkan kadar metabolisme di dalam tubuh yang penting untuk kesihatan dan kecergasan.

Ibarat enjin kereta yang hanya mampu bergerak selepas pembakaran bahan bakar iaitu petrol atau diesel, umpamanya, metabolisme ialah agen yang bakar kalori dalam tubuh.  Jika seseorang itu tinggi kadar metabolisme badannya, proses pembakaran kalori juga akan cepat berlaku. Jika metabolismenya rendah, jadi proses ini lambat.

NUTRI DETOX BAR dan BOOMBA ENZIM antara fungsinya membantu untuk meningkatkan kadar metabolisme tubuh supaya kadar kalori dalam badan dapat dikawal.

Apabila kadar kalori dapat dikawal, berat badan juga dapat dikawal. Maka pengguna boleh melalui gaya hidup yang lebih sihat, cergas dan selesa.  Kesemua ini merupakan faktor penting untuk mentaliti yang lebih baik serta keyakinan diri juga semakin meningkat.

Selain daripada itu, produk BARDOX 2.0  ini juga berupaya mengatasi masalah sembelit.  Masalah yang kian meyerang kebanyakan masyarakat ini berpunca daripada pengambilan makanan yang kurang serat, kurang minum air putih, kurang aktiviti fizikal, mempunyai masalah dengan kolon, rektum atau usus.  Masalah sembelit yang berpanjangan dan serius mungkin menyebabkan masalah pencernaan. Akibatnya, pendarahan rektum mungkin berlaku jikalau ia berterusan.

Solusinya? BARDOX NUTRI DETOX BAR dan minuman BOOMBA ENZIM mempunyai buah-buahan yang mengandungi serat yang tinggi sekaligus membantu untuk melancarkan proses perkumuhan dalam tubuh.  Sekiranya proses pembuangan air besar menjadi rutin setiap hari, toksin di dalam tubuh turut dikeluarkan dan badan menjadi lebih segar dan selesa.  Apabila masalah sembelit dapat diatasi, ketidakselesaan seperti perut kembong, kejang atau sakit, kurang selera makan dan sebagainya akan turut hilang.  Aktiviti harian dapat dilakukan dalam keadaan yang lebih baik.



Harus ingat, pemakanan yang seimbang, minum air yang cukup, tidur lena dan cergas sepanjang hari akan menjadikan kondisi kulit juga lebih sempurna.  Kecantikan kulit selalu akan seiring dengan rutin dan gaya kehidupan kita.  Berita baik juga untuk anda yang risau sekiranya produk-produk ini akan menyebabkan pergantungan terhadapnya dan tidak boleh dihentikan pengambilannya.  Produk-produk BARDOX bersifat semula jadi, tiada sebarang isu cirit-birit atau gangguan perut sekiranya anda mengambil keputusan untuk menghentikan pengambilannya.

Secara ringkasnya, BARDOX 2.0 membariskan pilihan produk-produk yang terbaik untuk penggunanya yang sentiasa sibuk, gagal mencari masa untuk berehat serta makan tidak tentu masa.  Bar nutrisi dilengkapi dengan minuman berkhasiat merupakan gandingan mantap biarpun sesibuk mana pun, kesihatan tetap terjaga.

Mengambil BARDOX NUTRI DETOX BAR semasa sarapan akan membantu untuk menyahnyamar kanji dan penyerapan. Minum BARDOX BOOMBA dua kali sehari atau selepas makan dan sebelum tidur akan membantu melindungi hati dan juga melancarkan process perkumuhan dengan meningkatkan kadar metabolisme anda!


How do you implement digital signage on your business

How do you implement digital signage on your business?

Digital signage is an essential part which implemented on numerous businesses. It is specially designed to attract the customer’s attention and deliver messages to consumers to enhance Chiefway Smart Film their experience. The digital signage is used to educate and interact with customers. It let businesses to inform sales, new release, and product details to customers. The digital signage display might show videos, graphics, and content from the screen. It allows you to interact with consumers and assist them to search about products, view product options, and others. It is a perfect tool that accessed on the large workspace. It is used in several industries such as healthcare, retail, travel, real estate, and others.

Confident smiling businesswoman giving presentation to her partners Free PhotoSteps to set up digital signage:

Before implementing the digital signage, you have to decide the best one that suits your business. You need to explore the benefits and other essential things of using it. Digital signage devices assist you to expand your product and maximize your profits. It is becoming a competitive edge for lots of businesses. Many choices are available for you to choose the best device as per your need. You need to check the hardware list on implementing the devices. Here a few tips described implementing the device.


  • Choose high screen:


Digital signage display offers a bright picture and assists you to use professional screens. Lots of screens are designed with advanced technology. When choosing a screen, you might consider VGA or HDMI input that connected with a media player. You must go with a commercial grade screen that offers an effective solution to you.

Also, you explore screen size which is very important. You have to choose it based on the viewer, and sign.


  • Media player:


After selecting the digital signage, you have to choose the software or media player which lets you transfer content easily on the screen. You need to look for the best AV Discovery Malaysia software that suits your requirement.


  • Internet connection:


When purchasing a digital display, you have to consider the type of software and media player.  Most of the software and player has an internet connection. You need to select it based on the high -speed internet. It allows you to pull content from any player. It assists you to make presentations without hassle.

Why you use digital signage?

It is a perfect option to connect with more customers and enhance your sales. It allows you to run a business with a touch display. It helps you draw a shopping experience to grab the attention of consumers. The digital signage display lets you create your business space with interactive devices that add interaction among customers. It is the best way to access customer information on a large size screen. However, it assist to add a digital dimension to your business. It let businesses access the latest technology in their workspace. It helps you meet the needs of your customers. It assists you to discover several ways to convey product information to clients.

Important Fitness Tips For Men: Which You Can Follow For A Fit Life

Men always prefer to stay fit. Many are prefer to maintain a healthy diet for a happy life. And in the present life, people are facing difficulty finding time for fitness, but still, many responsible people manage their time properly. And if we talk about the men’s body fitness, then there are many niches related to this field. But some major tips are also there, which you can follow as the fitness tips for men. 


Five major fitness tips for men:


Eat clean and hygienic food: If you want to keep your metabolism strong, do not stay in an empty stomach. Eat-in every 3 to 4 hours. If you do workouts every day, then consult with your trainer. And follow a healthy diet. You should avoid street and oily food if you are conscious about hygienic then, the chronic diseases also never affect you. 


Prepare your food before time: It means it better to prepare ahead of the foods. So that you will not feel the pressure, you should not skip any meal in the day. It is the best fitness tips to follow for a healthy life. Generally, men have so many mental pressures then that regular food will give you energy and make you anxiety-free.


Stay careful while building muscles: Always take the advice from your trainer. Never get into muscle building directly without know the tricks. First, take caloric and protein foods. Then go for muscle building. Otherwise, you will feel weak. According to your workout, take sufficient rest, then only your muscle’s powers will be stronger. 


Keep yourself careful towards cardio: If you want to lose fat, then a little jogging on a daily basis can help you. It is a good practice that everyone needs to follow. By doing jogging, your calories will burn out, and your cardiac system will be strong. 


Avoid fatigue food: When you are regularly working out or under training, then avoid fatigue foods. You can take beet juice during that time. It contains nitrate and makes your cardiovascular system functionality strong. And if you are not taking heavy or rich food at night, then it will be good. It keeps your fatigue level low and keeps you fit.


These are some of the focused areas where you should look into for a healthy and happy life. But rather than these things, there are many other tips also present. You can only have a successful life when you have a healthy mind and body. So keep yourself fit and make your surrounding fit and disease-free. And a good health condition can allow you to take heavy workloads in job lives.

Sustainable Yoga, How Exactly Does It Work?

Of course, no one goes on yoga for the clothes that are worn. You do yoga for many other reasons. However, it never hurts to purchase sustainable and ecological yoga clothing. This type of yoga clothing is in fact sustainable and produced in a fair way. And this should be every piece of clothing today. Are you curious about which sustainable and ecological yoga clothing you can buy? Then read on!

But first, what is sustainable clothing?

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important discussion. And it is becoming increasingly important, especially in the clothing industry. The main reason for this is that many people say that the clothing industry is one of the most polluting industries. And because everyone has to wear clothing, everyone can choose to buy sustainable clothing.

Because producers keep up with the increasing demand for new clothing with new clothing, many clothes are not worn sustainably. People don’t wear clothes as much as they used to and soon buy something new when they come across something nice. Prices are also quite low, making it very affordable to regularly buy new clothes. This is of course not exactly sustainable and good for the environment.

Fortunately, there are many brands today that focus on environmental friendliness and ecological products. There are also brands that focus on this in yoga. A good example of this is Urban Goddess. Here you buy your yoga leggings that are made environmentally and ecologically.

Urban Goddess

Creator and founder of Urban Goddess is Marlene Smits. Marlene Smits has studied journalism and fashion and is a yoga teacher and therefore excellent to set up such a brand. She takes the experiences she has as a yoga teacher into the design of the clothes. This way she ensures that your yoga leggings fit like a glove and that you can perform your exercises very comfortably. The clothing is not only comfortable, but is also honest and made with nature in mind. It also looks very nice and is very affordable. You can of course also wear Urban Goddess clothing outside of yoga.

But what is actually fair?

As we just indicated, Urban Goddess clothing is made fair. But what exactly do they mean by this? Fair production is one of the most important aspects that Urban Goddess takes into account. For example, they visit the factories where the clothing is made to see what the working conditions are. To be extra sure, the clothing has a quality mark that excludes poor working conditions and child labor.

Environmentally friendly

Environmental friendliness is also of paramount importance at Urban Goddess. For example, they think it is important that the clothes after wearing have a longer life than the waste bin. This way you can send your Urban Goddess clothing back to the company and they will ensure that it is recycled. When the clothing is still in good condition, it is sent to the Salvation Army. In both cases you get a 20% discount on any next order.